Secession Podcast

Secession Podcast is a digital series created by the Secession in 2022. In conversations with artists, curators, and theorists, the podcast series offers interesting insights into the Secession’s exhibition programme of twelve to fifteen contemporary art shows every year. The program also features discussions on current issues, as well as experimental sound formats and – creating an oral history archive – conversations between members of the Association of Visual Artists, who share their personal recollections and reflect on the 125-year history of this unique artist-run institution.

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Thursday Aug 01, 2024

Zhou Siwei translates the contradictions of living and working in contemporary China into playful, personally fragmented and nonlinear works on canvas and painted objects. This podcast was recorded on 19 June 2024 in the context of the exhibition:
Zhou Siwei
I Sold What I Grow
21.6. – 8.9.2024
Probing the ambivalence of digital technologies, the unceasing global traffic in goods, and the sleeplessness of the late-capitalist era, Zhou interweaves diverse visual and cultural influences in ways that make everyday items and signs feel at once familiar and alien, accommodating a wide range of interpretations. More
Zhou Siwei is an artist whose work focuses on the interrelation between people’s understanding of culture and the effects of culture on people. Zhou completed a BA in Oil Painting from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2005 and currently lives and works in Shanghai.
Damian Lentini is a curator at the Vienna Secession. He obtained his doctoral degree in 2009 at the University of Melbourne and has realised major projects with artists such as El Anatsui, Phyllida Barlow, Kapwani Kiwanga, Sarah Sze, Sung Tieu, Raqs Media Collective, Harun Farocki, Dumb Type, Khvay Samnang, Lina Lapelytė and the Karrabing Film Collective amongst others.
Secession Podcast: Artists features artists exhibiting at the Secession. The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.Programmed by the board of the Secession.Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. EberhardEditor: Paul MacheckProduction: Damian Lentini, Bettina Spörr

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

In dieser Folge hören Sie den Architekten Hermann Czech im Gespräch mit Andreas Spiegl, aufgezeichnet am 25. April 2024. Hermann Czech ist Ehrenmitglied der Secession und Preisträger des Großen Österreichischen Staatspreises 2024.
Hermann Czech (*1936 in Wien), studierte Architektur an der TH Wien und an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien bei Ernst A. Plischke. 1958 und 1959 nahm er an den Seminaren von Konrad Wachsmann an der Salzburger Sommerakademie teil. Erste architektonische Arbeiten ab 1960, von 1963 bis 1967 schrieb er architekturkritische Texte für Die Furche. Ab den 1970er-Jahren Projekte und Realisierungen in verschiedenen Planungsmaßstäben. Veröffentlichung der frühen Schriften 1978 unter dem Titel Zur Abwechslung (erweiterte Neuauflage 1996), 2021 folgte Ungefähre Hauptrichtung. Schriften und Gespräche zur Architektur (beides Löcker Verlag). Hermann Czech war Gastprofessor an der Harvard University in Cambridge/USA, der ETH Zürich, an der TU Wien und der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien. Für sein architektonisches Werk erhielt er Preise und Auszeichnungen. 1980, 1991, 2000 und 2012 nahm er an der Architekturbiennale in Venedig teil, zuletzt 2023 gemeinsam mit dem Kollektiv AKT. Hermann Czech lebt und arbeitet in Wien.
Andreas Spiegl lehrt und forscht als Senior Scientist am Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, an der er von 2003 bis 2011 die Funktion als Vizerektor für Forschung und Lehre innehatte. Von 2015 bis 2022 war er Leiter des Instituts für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften und seit 2022 hat er die Aufgabe als Senatsvorsitzender übernommen. Er publizierte zahlreiche Texte an den Schnittstellen von zeitgenössischer Kunst, Medien- und Raumtheorien.    
Secession Podcast: Members ist eine Gesprächsreihe mit Mitgliedern, programmiert vom Vorstand der Secession.
Das Dorotheum ist exklusiver Sponsor dieser Podcast-Serie.
Jingle: Hui Ye mit einem Ausschnitt aus Combat of dreams für Streichquartett und Zuspielung (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) von Alexander J. Eberhard.
Schnitt: Paul Macheck
Programmiert vom Vorstand der Secession
Produktion: Bettina Spörr, Christian Lübbert

Thursday Jul 04, 2024

This episode is a conversation between Simone Fattal and Jeanette Pacher, the curator of the exhibition. It was recorded on June 19, 2024 in the context of:
Simone Fattal
21.6. – 8.9.2024
In her exhibition metaphorS, Simone Fattal presents bodies of work from different periods in her career and in a variety of media, including fired clay and ceramic sculptures, paintings, and collages. With her works, she tells stories of humanity, culture, history, and the present. Conflict, consensus, nature, faith, and trust are central concerns. Despite (or precisely because of) the artist’s nomadic life, her oeuvre is deeply rooted in the millennia-old culture and history of the Middle East—she was raised in Damascus and Beirut—and the epic literature, poetry, archaeology, and landscapes of this region are both vital sources of inspiration and central themes. More
Simone Fattal (*1942) was raised in Damascus and Beirut, studied archaeology and philosophy in France and began painting in Beirut in the early 1970s. After years of civil war, she left Lebanon in 1980 and settled in California, where she founded the Post-Apollo Press; for the next thirty years, she dedicated herself to publishing literature and poetry, including many books by her partner Etel Adnan. In the late 1980s, she studied sculpture at the San Francisco Art Institute and fell in love with working with clay. Meanwhile, she also started making collages that combine pictures of archaeological sites and relics with contemporary photographs. Today, Simone Fattal lives and works in Paris.
Jeanette Pacher is a curator for contemporary visual arts and has been working at the Secession since 2007. She is a regular lecturer in the Department of Site-Specific Art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and since 2023, a jury member of KÖR – Art in Public Space Vienna. She was part of the editorial team of Ö1 Kunstradio and began working in the curatorial field at Kunsthalle Wien in the mid 1990s.
Secession Podcast: Artists features artists exhibiting at the Secession. Programmed by the board of the Secession.
The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.
Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed
(2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. Eberhard
Editor: Paul Macheck
Production: Jeanette Pacher

Monday May 13, 2024

Secession Podcast: Members ist eine Gesprächsreihe mit Mitgliedern der Secession. In dieser Folge hören Sie die Künstlerin Carola Dertnig im Gespräch mit der Kunsthistorikerin und Kunstkritikerin Sabeth Buchmann, aufgezeichnet am 16. April 2024.
Carola Dertnig lebt und arbeitet in Wien. Seit 2006 leitet sie den Fachbereich Performative Kunst an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Sie nahm 1997 am Whitney Independent Study Program in New York teil und war als Gastprofessorin am California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) in Los Angeles tätig. Dertnigs Arbeiten wurden in zahlreichen Ausstellungen in Museen und Galerien gezeigt, darunter die Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, Krems; Galerie CRONE, Wien/Berlin; Galerie Andreas Huber, Wien; die Solyanka Gallery, Moskau; das REDCAT CalArts Theater, Los Angeles; das MoMA PS1, New York; Artists Space, New York; das Museum of Modern Art, New York; das mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien; die Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, und die Secession, Wien. Im Jahr 2024 wird ihr Werk in einer Midcareer-Ausstellung Dancing through Life im OK_Linz inklusive einer Publikation präsentiert. 2013 erhielt sie den Österreichischen Kunstpreis.2005 veröffentlichte sie gemeinsam mit Stefanie Seibold das Buch Let’s Twist Again: Was man nicht denken kann, das soll man tanzen zur lokalen Performancegeschichte Wiens von den 1960er-Jahren bis heute. Sie war Mitglied des Forschungsprojekts Troubling Research: Performing Knowledge in the Arts (2009–2011) und publizierte ihr eigenes Buch Perform Perform Perform (2011). 2014 erschien die Publikation Performing the Sentence: Research and Teaching in Performative Fine Arts, herausgegeben mit Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein.
Sabeth Buchmann (Berlin/Wien) lehrt seit 2004 Kunstgeschichte der Moderne und Nachmoderne an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Sie ist Mitherausgeberin von PoLyPen, eine Buchreihe zu Kunstkritik und politischer Theorie (b_books, Berlin), und Beiratsmitglied von Texte zur Kunst, der European Kunsthalle sowie des documenta Instituts und publiziert regelmäßig in Kunstzeitschriften, Sammelbänden und Ausstellungskatalogen. 2008 erhielt sie den österreichischen Art Critics Award. Zuletzt erschienen: Kunst als Infrastruktur (2023) sowie die von ihr mitherausgegebenen Bände Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetics, and Critique (2022) und Putting Rehearsals to the Test: Practices of Rehearsal in Fine Arts, Film. Theater, Theory, and Politics (2016).
Das Dorotheum ist exklusiver Sponsor des Secession Podcasts.
Jingle: Hui Ye mit einem Ausschnitt aus Combat of dreams für Streichquartett und Zuspielung (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) von Alexander J. Eberhard.
Schnittregie: Carola Dertnig & Sabeth Buchmann
Schnitt: Paul Macheck
Programmiert vom Vorstand der Secession
Produziert von Christian Lübbert, Bettina Spörr

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Secession Podcast: Members ist eine Gesprächsreihe mit Mitgliedern der Secession. Diese Folge ist ein Gespräch zwischen dem Künstler Werner Würtinger und der Künstlerin Claudia Märzendorfer. Das Gespräch wurde während mehrerer Treffen im Jänner und Februar 2024 im Atelier von Werner Würtinger in den Praterateliers aufgezeichnet.
Werner Würtinger (geb. 1941 in Hallein) ist ein Bildhauer, der in Wien lebt und arbeitet. Sein Studium der Bildhauerei schloss er an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien ab. In seiner darauffolgenden beinahe 30-jährigen Tätigkeit als Lehrender ebendort war er eine prägende und wichtige Integrationsfigur für mehrere Generationen von Künstler*innen und von 2001 bis 2002 Vizerektor der Akademie. Von 1995 bis 1999 war er Präsident der Wiener Secession; 2021 wurde er von dieser zum Ehrenmitglied ernannt. Er ist Herausgeber etlicher Publikationen. 2012 erhielt unter anderem das Buch Arkadien und angenehme Feinde. Die Bildhauerateliers im Prater von Revolver Publishing, Berlin (2011), das Prädikat „schönste Bücher“ Österreichs.
Claudia Märzendorfer (geb. 1969 in Wien) ist bildende Künstlerin. Ihr Studium der Bildhauerei schloss sie an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien ab. In ihren Arbeiten zerlegt sie Situationen und konstruierte Bedingungen und setzt diese zumindest gedanklich neu zusammen. Sie versteht die Welt als (ihr) Material. Die daraus resultierenden Bilder sind gründlich recherchiert und behalten sich dennoch einen Pop-Effekt vor, der zum unmittelbaren Verständnis führt. Zwei zentrale Aspekte ihres Werks sind Zeit und Musik, welche die Künstlerin als die einzigen neutralen Währungen betrachtet.
Das Dorotheum ist exklusiver Sponsor des Secession Podcasts.
Jingle: Hui Ye mit einem Ausschnitt aus Combat of dreams für Streichquartett und Zuspielung (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) von Alexander J. Eberhard.
Schnittregie: Claudia Märzendorfer
Schnitt: Claudia Märzendorfer, Paul Macheck
Programmiert vom Vorstand der Secession
Produziert von Christian Lübbert

Friday Apr 19, 2024

Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the member Thomas Feuerstein and the artist Lucie Strecker. It was recorded on February 17, 2024.
Thomas Feuerstein is a visual artist. His oeuvre encompasses sprawling installations, process-based sculptures, drawings, audio plays, and biological and internet art. Central concerns include the conjunction of linguistic, visual, and material elements, the uncovering of latent superimpositions of fact and fiction, and the nexus between art and science. Feuerstein’s method of “conceptual narration” interweaves art, architecture, philosophy, literature, and philosophy with economics, politics, and technology. Since the mid-1990s, he has harnessed biotechnologies and artificial neuronal networks to create projects that examine the interplay between individuality and sociality, an aesthetics of entropy, and a cybernetic “daimonology” of cultural processes.
Lucie Strecker’s trans-media practice investigates experimental systems in art and the sciences, exploring a post-anthropocentric conception of performativity. Her work has been shown at festivals and galleries and in museums. She is a fellow at the Berlin University of the Arts and a founding member of the Applied Performance Lab at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where she has led artistic research projects since 2016 and taught performance art in the Art and Communication Practices division since 2020.
The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.
Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. Eberhard
Editing Director: Thomas Feuerstein & Lucie Strecker
Editor: Paul Macheck
Programmed by the board of the Secession
Produced by Christian Lübbert

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Zach Blas and the curator Christian Lübbert. It was recorded on March 8, 2024 in the context of the exhibition:
Zach Blas
8.3. – 9.6.2024
Zach Blas’s practice spans moving image, computation, installation, theory, performance, and fiction. As an artist, filmmaker, and writer, Blas draws out the philosophies and imaginaries residing in computational technologies and their industries. For his exhibition at the Secession, he developed CULTUS, a new installation that features AI-generated imagery, text, and sound, alongside computer graphics and motion-capture performances. More
The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.
Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. Eberhard
Editing Director: Zach Blas & Christian Lübbert
Editor: Paul Macheck
Programmed by the board of the Secession
Produced by Christian Lübbert

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the artist Imran Perretta and the curator Bettina Spörr. It was recorded on March 8, 2024 in the context of the exhibition:
Imran Perrettatears of the fatherland8.3. – 9.6.2024
Imran Perretta’s transdisciplinary practice spans moving image, sound, composition, performance art, and poetry. His works examine questions around power, state surveillance, alterity, neo-coloniality, and the process of identity formation in young people of Muslim heritage in Western countries in the post-9/11 era. His approach to these concerns is informed by his own experience: as a British citizen with Muslim roots, he is familiar with the challenges his works grapple with. More
Bettina Spörr is a curator at the Secession since 2008. Previously she was assistant curator and exhibition coordinator at the Generali Foundation Vienna.
The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.
Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. Eberhard
Editing Director: Joshua Simon, Christian Lübbert & Francesco FinizioEditor: Paul Macheck
Programmed by the board of the SecessionProduced by Christian Lübbert

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Secession Podcast: Artists is a series of conversations featuring artists exhibiting at the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the curator Joshua Simon, the curator Christian Lübbert (Secession) and the artist Francesco Finizio. It was recorded on February 18, 2024 in the context of the exhibition:
SLIMECurated by Joshua Simon16.2. – 30.6.2024
SLIME is a unique hybrid on-line and on-site project about our hybrid realities. Taking place at the Secession as an on-site event and as an on-line program, it includes commissioned and historic artworks, talks and performances, screenings and workshops (including one for making actual slime). Taking its name from the children’s toy—a metastable plasma-like substance that has both unique material and tactile features and a constant presence online through tutorials and documentation of people playing with it—SLIME tackles the social, cultural, political, and sensory operations of digital hybridity. More
Joshua Simon, born in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel in 1979, lives and works in Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Lüneburg, Germany.
Christian Lübbert holds the position of the Junior Curator at the Secession. He has worked with art institutions such as Tate Modern, the Institute for Contemporary Arts, Chisenhale Studios, the Royal Academy of Arts, and the Delfina Foundation in London, as well as Studio Simon Denny, Galerie House of Egorn, and the Brandenburg Art Prize. Since 2017, he runs Arnis Residency, an annual residency for international artists.
Francesco Finizio was born in the United States to Italian immigrants. He studied at School of Visual Arts and the Hunter College MFA program and left the US shortly thereafter for France where he is based today. He has worked several times with Joshua Simon since 2010.
The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.
Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. Eberhard
Editing Director: Joshua Simon, Christian Lübbert & Francesco FinizioEditor: Paul Macheck
Programmed by the board of the SecessionProduced by Christian Lübbert

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

Secession Podcast: Members is a series of conversations featuring members of the Secession. This episode is a conversation between the member Dorit Margreiter Choy and the corresponding member Sabine Breitwieser. It was recorded on December 13, 2023.
Dorit Margreiter Choy lives and works in Vienna. She studied fine arts at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Extended study visits and scholarships have brought her to Tokyo, Berlin and Los Angeles, among other places. Her work has been shown in numerous international and national museums, exhibitions, and biennials, including extensive solo exhibitions at the Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien (2019), the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid (2011), the MAK Center for Art and Architecture in Los Angeles (2009), the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst in Leipzig (2006), the Galerie im Taxispalais in Innsbruck (2001), and, most recently, the Plečnik Museum in Ljubljana (2023), as well as in exhibitions at the EUCA Annex in London (2023), the MACBA in Barcelona (2009), the Museo Tamayo in Mexico City (2012), and the Museum of Modern Art in New York (2012). She represented Austria at the 53rd Biennale di Venezia (2009), the Cairo Biennale (2008), and the Liverpool Biennale (2004). She has been professor of fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna since 2006. She also taught at Cal Arts in Valencia near Los Angeles (2005–2006), the Art Centre College of Design in Pasadena (2005), and elsewhere.
Sabine Breitwieser is an internationally active independent curator, scholar, and museum professional with decades of professional experience. She is currently based in Vienna. She was a 2020–2021 Getty Scholar at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles with a research project that she was able to pursue further in 2022. From 2013 until 2018, she held the position of artistic director and CEO at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg. Previously, from 2010 until 2013, she served as chief curator of media and performance art at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. From 1988 until 2007, she was the founding director and chief curator of the Generali Foundation in Vienna, where she also oversaw the construction of the foundation’s home. She has organized and directed more than 150 monographic and thematic exhibitions throughout Europe and the United States and has also edited and published about 100 catalogues and books as well as numerous essays. In 2012, Sabine Breitwieser received the Yoko Ono Lennon Courage Award for the Arts in New York.
The Dorotheum is the exclusive sponsor of the Secession Podcast.
Jingle: Hui Ye with an excerpt from Combat of dreams for string quartet and audio feed (2016, Christine Lavant Quartett) by Alexander J. Eberhard
Editing Director: Dorit Margreiter Choy & Sabine BreitwieserEditor: Christian Lübbert
Programmed by the board of the SecessionProduced by Christian Lübbert


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